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- 8 Model Memory, Digital Trims, Trim Memory, Servo Reversing, Dual Rate Elev and Aileron, Expo Elev and Aileron, Servo Centering, End Point Adjustment, Elev>Flap Mix, Ail>Rud Mix, Rud>Ail Mix, Thr>Elev Mix, Rud>Elev Mix, Flap>Elev Mix, Throttle Cut Switch, Fail Safe (PCM Mode), Model Naming (3 Letters), Compensation 1 Mix, Compensation 2 Mix, Stop Watch, Integral Timer, Trim Step, Model Type, Switch Reversing, Model Copy, Model Reset, Modulation (4 types), Click Sound, Battery Fail Safe (PCM Mode), Flaperons, Spoirons, Delta Wing, V-Tail, Aileron Differential, Landing Differential, Crow, Dual Rate Alarm, Advanced and Basic Programming.
- 8 Model Memory, Digital Trims, Trim Memory, Servo Reversing, Adjustable Rate Ail, Elev and Rud, Expo Ail, Elev and Rud, Servo Centering, End Point Adjustment, Throttle Cut, 5 Point Pitch Curve, 5 Point Throttle Curve, 3 Point Revo Mixing, Fail Safe (PCM Mode), Model Naming (3 Letters), Compensation 1 Mix, Compensation 2 Mix, Stop Watch, Integral Timer, Trim Step, Model Type, Switch Reversing, Model Copy, Model Reset, Modulation (4 Types), Click Sound, Battery Fail Safe (PCM Mode), Dynamic Trim Memory, 5 Swash Plate Types, 4 Flight Modes, CCPM