How To Fly RC Planes – Tips For A Beginner Learning To Fly

If you are a beginner when it comes to flying RC planes, then you may be wondering where to start. This article will provide some tips and advice on how to get started, and will hopefully help make the process a little less daunting.

Know How The Plane Works

Firstly, it is important that you learn about the different parts of an RC plane, and also the different types of RC planes. Once you understand how the plane works, it will be much easier for you to control it.

Having a look at some books about flying these planes can also help you get an idea about what they are all about, and what you will be able to do with one of your own.

Choose A Small Plane

It is also really important that you choose the right plane for yourself. A smaller plane is easier to control than a larger one. Before buying any RC airplane, it is important that you test out the controls and ensure they are easy for you to maneuver.

Knowing what is available can help here, so having a look around at our website may be beneficial.

Practice In A Simulator

Once you have chosen the right RC plane for your needs, it is time to start practicing. One of the best ways to do this is by using a simulator. This will help you get used to the controls and how the plane reacts before you take it outside.

Once you are confident with the simulator, it is time to take things outdoors. Make sure you find an open space where there is plenty of room to fly, and avoid flying near airports or other areas where planes may be in use.

Start Slowly

As a beginner, it is important that you start off slowly. Do not try and do too much too soon. Fly the plane in a slow and controlled manner, and gradually increase your speed as you become more confident.

Make sure you keep an eye on the plane at all times, and do not lose sight of it. If you feel like you are losing control, or the plane is starting to behave erratically, then land it as soon as possible.

Be Patient

Learning to fly RC planes can take time, but rest assured that if you are persistent and patient, it will be well worth the effort.

Move Up To A Bigger Plane

Once you have mastered these skills of flying an RC plane, you can graduate to a bigger one with more advanced controls and design features. This is a little more complicated than a beginner’s model, so be sure to practice first on a smaller scale model.


There you have it – some tips and advice to get you started on your journey to becoming a successful RC plane flyer! Just remember to take things slowly, be patient and have fun. Happy flying!

Where to Fly RC Planes

There are many great places to fly RC planes. Some of the best spots are large, open fields with few obstructions. However, always be sure to check for any applicable laws or restrictions before flying your plane.

Flying In Open Areas

In general, it is legal to fly RC planes in most open areas. However, there may be specific restrictions at certain locations. For example, some parks or airports may prohibit RC planes. Be sure to check for any restrictions before flying your plane.

If you are unsure about the legality of flying your RC plane in a certain area, it is always best to contact local authorities. They will be able to tell you if there are any restrictions or laws that would prohibit you from flying an RC plane in a certain area.

Safety Precautions

Although it is legal to fly your RC plane in most open areas, there are still some safety precautions that must be taken when flying near people and property. First of all, never fly your RC plane above a crowd of people. If the blades on your RC plane were to malfunction and stop spinning, it could come crashing down on the crowd below. Additionally, also be sure to keep your RC plane away from buildings or other structures. If something were to happen and you lost control of your RC plane while flying near a building, it could result in damage or injury to people and property.

Flying Over Bodies Of Water

If you must fly your RC plane near structures or people, there are some things that you can do to prevent damage and injury. For example, try flying your RC plane over a wide body of water such as a lake or river. If something happens and the RC plane were to fail while flying over water, it would cause little to no damage.

Avoid Obstacles

Additionally, always be aware of your surroundings when flying RC planes. Make sure that there are no other aircraft in the area that could potentially collide with your plane. Also, be aware of any power lines or other obstructions that could cause damage to your plane.

To Sum It Up

By following these simple safety precautions, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable flying experience. The best places to fly RC planes are large, open areas with few obstructions and little risk of damage or injury. However, always check for any restrictions before flying your plane in a particular area.

Here’s What Makes RC Planes So Much Fun

If you’re reading this right now, then chances are good that you’re thinking about getting started in the RC airplane hobby. If so, hold on tight! You’ll soon learn how much fun it is.

What’s So Fun About RC Planes?

There’s a lot to love about RC planes, but if we had to pick just one thing, we’d have to say that it’s the thrill of being able to fly. There’s just something about being behind a control stick and having your own airplane soaring through the sky. And with the right equipment, you can do it from over a kilometer away!

While there are plenty of people who enjoy flying for fun, if you’re looking to get into competition flying, there’s a lot of room to grow your skills. In fact, competitions can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be. There are all sorts of different planes and maneuvers that you can try out, so you’re never bored.

What Do You Need to Get Started?

The main thing you’ll need is a plane. These can range from under $200 to several thousand dollars, and everything in between. Once you’ve got your plane, you’ll want to pick up some extra equipment such as tools for repairs and upgrades, spare parts, and so on. Your local hobby shop is a good place to look for this stuff.

The next thing you’ll need is fuel. You can use things like ethanol or methanol, which are available at your local hobby store. All these products will do is give your engine more thrust, so it really doesn’t matter what kind of fuel you use as long as it

Joining An RC Flying Club

Getting started in the hobby of RC planes is a lot easier than you might think. In fact, you don’t even need to buy a plane right away!

The easiest way to start out is by finding a local RC flying club. These clubs are filled with people who are more than happy to help newbies get started in the hobby. They can teach you the basics of flying, help you pick out your first plane, and give you plenty of tips and advice.

If there’s not a club near you, or if you just want to get started on your own, there are plenty of resources online to help you out. In particular, we recommend checking out the RC Flying Beginners Guide over at This website is packed with information on every aspect of the hobby, from choosing a plane to learning new tricks.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start flying!

Airtronics Stylus Program Card CCPM Heli (New)

Airtronics Stylus Program Card CCPM HeliQuick Overview

This is an Airtronics Stylus CCPM Heli Programing Card. This is an add-on programming card, than when installed in your Airtronics Stylus transmitter, adds a number of powerful new CCPM helicopter programming functions to an already powerful, feature-rich radio.


Airtronics Stylus CCPM Heli Programming Card

This is an Airtronics Stylus CCPM Heli Programing Card also best for playing games. This is an add-on programming card, than when installed in your Airtronics Stylus transmitter, adds a number of powerful new CCPM helicopter programming functions to an already powerful, feature-rich radio.

The Airtronics CCPM Heli Programming Card is easy to install. It simply slides into the programming card slot in the side of your Stylus transmitter. This programming card is a must-have for the serious helicopter pilot.

*This programming card is only compatible with the Airtronics Stylus transmitter. Also works with Stylus transmitters that have been converted to 2.4GHz.

Programming Features:

• Exponential for Pitch, Roll and Tail Rotor

• VTR for Pitch, Roll and Tail Rotor

• Triple Rate Aileron and Elevator

• Dual Rate Rudder

• 5 Flight Modes

• 5 Five Point Pitch Curves

• 4 Five Point Throttle Curves

• Throttle Hold

• Trim Offsets for Each Flight Mode

• Automatic Trim Offset

• 9 Compensation Mixers (4 Normal and 5 with Curves)

• Programmable Compensation Delays

• 1 Bi-Directional Mixer

• Gain Control for Bi-Directional Mixer

• Hovering Throttle and Hovering Pitch

• High Pitch Trim and Low Pitch Trim

• 2 Gyro Gains for Each Flight Mode

• Programmable Flight Mode Delays

• Programmable Channel Delays

• Dynamic Trim Memory

• Assignable Auxiliary Controls

• Assignable Stick Switches

• Throttle Stick Position Alarm

• Mixing Delays

• 2 Alternate Setups

• 9 Swashplate Types

• Servo Limits

• CCP Mixing

• CCPM Delays

• CCPM Linear Adjustment

• CCPM End Point Adjustment

• CCPM Servo Delay

• Internal Timer


RD 8000


Servo Reversing, Servo Centering, Data Reset, 10 Model Memory, Aileron and Elevator Expo, PPM/INV PPM PCM1 PCM2 Modulation, Stop Watch, Integral Timer, Model Naming, Data Copy, Switch Reverse, Beep On/Off, Throttle Cut, Low Voltage Alarm, Stick Adjustment, Throttle High Warring, Stick Tension Adjustment, Trainer System, Digital Trims, Basic and Advanced Menu’s, Aileron and Elevator Dual Rates, End point Adjustments, Auto Trim Memory, 3 Position Flap Switch, Flaperons, Delta, Ail to Rud Mixing, V-Tail, Thr to Elev Mixing, 2 Compensation Mixers, Elev to Flap Mixing, Rud to Aileron Mixing, Rud to Elevator Mixing, Flap to Elev Mixing, Spoiler, Ail Differential, Landing Differential, Crow, Trim Step, Fail Safe ing PCM Mode, Battery Fail Safe in PCM mode, Dual Elevator Mixing.

RD 8000


Servo Reversing, Servo Centering, Data Reset, 10 Model Memory, Aileron and Elevator Expo, PPM/INV PPM PCM1 PCM2 Modulation, Stop Watch, Integral Timer, Model Naming, Data Copy, Switch Reverse, Beep On/Off, Throttle Cut, Low Voltage Alarm, Stick Adjustment, Throttle High Warring, Stick Tension Adjustment, Trainer System, Digital Trims, Basic and Advanced Menu’s, Aileron/Rud and Elevator Dual Rates, End point Adjustments, Auto Trim Memory, 4 Flight Modes, 2 Compensation Mixers, Trim Step, Fail Safe ing PCM Mode, Battery Fail Safe in PCM mode, 5 Point Pitch Curves, 5 Point Throttle Curves, 3 Point Revolution Curves, 2 Gyro Adjustment per Flight Modes, Dynamic Trim Memory, Standard Swash Plate types plus CCPM Mixing.

Flight Packs

90001FM72   Standard Flight Pack
1-  92777Z Dual Conversion FM Receiver (With Crystal)
1-  4.8 Volt 700mAh Sport Pack Receiver Battery
4-  94102Z Standard 50in-oz Servos
1-  Switch Harness
1-  12″ Aileron Extension

MSRP  159.95
90002FM72  Micro Electric Flight Pack
1-  5 Channel Single Conversion FM “Z” Receiver (With Crystal)
2-  94091Z  Super Micro 9 gram Servos
1-  Mini Amp ESC Speed Controller

MSRP  169.95
90003FM72  Micro Electric Flight Pack
1-  5 Channel Single Conversion FM “Z” Receiver (With Crystal)
2-  94091Z  Super Micro 9 gram Servos

MSRP  139.95
90004FM72  Micro Electric Flight Pack    NEW!
1-  92515Z 5 Channel Single Conversion FM “Z” Receiver (With Crystal)
2-  94091Z  Super Micro 9 gram Servos
1-  Micro Amp ESC Speed Controller

MSRP  159.95

RD6000 Super


8 Model Memory, Digital Trims, Trim Memory, Servo Reversing, Dual Rate Elev and Aileron, Expo Elev and Aileron, Servo Centering, End Point Adjustment, Elev>Flap Mix, Ail>Rud Mix, Rud>Ail Mix, Thr>Elev Mix, Rud>Elev Mix, Flap>Elev Mix, Throttle Cut Switch, Fail Safe (PCM Mode), Model Naming (3 Letters), Compensation 1 Mix, Compensation 2 Mix, Stop Watch, Integral Timer, Trim Step, Model Type, Switch Reversing, Model Copy, Model Reset, Modulation (4 types), Click Sound, Battery Fail Safe (PCM Mode), Flaperons, Spoirons, Delta Wing, V-Tail, Aileron Differential, Landing Differential, Crow, Dual Rate Alarm, Advanced and Basic Programming.

RD6000 Super


8 Model Memory, Digital Trims, Trim Memory, Servo Reversing, Adjustable Rate Ail, Elev and Rud, Expo Ail, Elev and Rud, Servo Centering, End Point Adjustment, Throttle Cut, 5 Point Pitch Curve, 5 Point Throttle Curve, 3 Point Revo Mixing, Fail Safe (PCM Mode), Model Naming (3 Letters), Compensation 1 Mix, Compensation 2 Mix, Stop Watch, Integral Timer, Trim Step, Model Type, Switch Reversing, Model Copy, Model Reset, Modulation (4 Types), Click Sound, Battery Fail Safe (PCM Mode), Dynamic Trim Memory, 5 Swash Plate Types, 4 Flight Modes, CCPM

Pistol Rival Sport

Rival Sport RV2PS Surface System

Rival Sport RV2PS Surface System

Designed for the Beginner

The Rival Sport are a great choice. This 2 channel Sport Pistol Grip Radio system is built to give you fast response at a competitive price. AM narrow band system features an impressive transmitter design and a wide range of innovative features that will keep you in control

Rival Sport AM Series 27 or 75mhz

90135AM RV2PS/102 2 Channel System with (2) 94102 Servos, Dry Battery
90136AM RV2PS/102sc 2 Channel System with (1) 94102 Servos, (1) 96315 Speed Controller Dry Battery
90137AM RV2PS/102 2 Channel System with (1) 94831 Servo, Dry Battery


  • Trigger Operated Throttle
  • High Visibility LED On Indicator
  • 2 Channel AM
  • Dial Trims
  • Servo Reverse
  • Nicad Charging Jack
  • Strap Hook
  • Throttle TrimWell Balanced
  • High power Output
  • Retractable Antenna
  • Antenna Slid Cover
  • LED Hinged Cover
  • Throttle Trigger Position Select
  • BEC Circuitry in RX


94051Z MicroLite Servo

Part Number and Description Weight Dimensions Volts@ Torque Speed Motor Gear Bearing
94051Z MicroLite Servo
94091Z Super Microlite Servo
94102Z Precision Heavy Duty Standard Servo
94112Z SX-112 High Torque Standard Servo NEW!
94141Z Precision High Torque Micro Servo
94145Z Precision High Speed Micro Servo
94162Z PRO Large-Scale Servo NEW!
94322Z Precision Heavy Duty Servo
94357Z ERG-VR High Speed Servo
94358Z ERG-VB High Torque Servo
94359Z ERG-VX High Torque Alum. Heatsink Servo
94451Z PRO Contest Heli & Aircraft Servo
94452Z PRO Context Heli & Airplane Servo
94453Z PRO Contest Airplane & Heli Servo
94501Z Microlite Servo
94555Z Microlite / Aluminum Gear Servo
94556Z Microlite Hi Torque Servo
94557Z Microlite High Torque Servo
94731Z Contest Aircraft & Heli Servo
94734Z Contest Retract Servo
94737Z Contest High Speed Servo
94738Z Contest High Torque Servo
94739Z Contest Proportional Retract Servo
94921Z Low Profile Servo
94924Z Low Profile Retract Servo
94751Z COMPETITION Digital Servo Aircraft
94755Z COMPETITION Digital Servo
94757Z COMPETITION Digital Servo High Torque
94758Z COMPETITION Digital Servo High Torque
0.78 oz.
0.32 oz.
1.59 oz.
1.59 oz.
1.16 oz.
1.09 oz.
2.36 oz.
1.59 oz.
2.12 oz.
2.12 oz.
2.19 oz.
1.94 oz.
2.08 oz.
2.08 oz.
0.53 oz.
0.56 oz.
0.56 oz.
0.71 oz.
1.80 oz.
1.73 oz.
1.94 oz.
1.94 oz.
1.87 oz.
1.69 oz.
1.59 oz.
1.80 oz.
2.04 oz.
2.12 oz.
2.12 oz.
1.34 x 0.55 x 1.34
0.91 x 0.44 x 0.87
1.54 x 0.79 x 1.42
1.54 x 0.79 x 1.42
1.42 x 0.59 x 1.29
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1.54 x 0.79 x 1.61
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1.06 x 0.49 x 1.06
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1.06 x 0.49 x 1.28
1.54 x 0.79 x 1.40
1.46 x 0.79 x 1.38
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1.54 x 0.79 x 1.38
1.46 x 0.75 x 1.44
1.74 x 0.87 x 0.92
1.74 x 0.87 x 0.92
1.54 x 0.79 x 1.40
1.54 x 0.79 x 1.40
1.54 x 0.79 x 1.47
1.54 x 0.79 x 1.47
4.8 / 6.0
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4.8 / 6.0
18 / 23
18 / 23
42 / 53
45 / 56
45 / 56
26 / 32
123 / 154
46 / 58
100 / 125
160 / 200
160 / 200
88 / 110
77 / 96
99 / 124
18 / 23
22 / 28
31 / 39
43 / 54
77 / 96
73 / 91
56 / 70
70 / 88
74 / 93
56 / 70
77 / 96
73 / 91
65 / 81
92 / 115
92 / 115
0.19 / 0.15
0.12 / 0.10
0.20 / 0.16
0.17 / 0.14
0.20 / 0.16
0.09 / 0.07
0.18/ 0.15
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0.09 / 0.07
0.13 / 0.10
0.13 / 0.10
0.15 / 0.12
0.11 / 0.09
0.17 / 0.14
0.24 / 0.19
0.21 / 0.17
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0.23 / 0.18
0.17 / 0.14
0.40 / 0.32
0.15 / 0.12
0.20 / 0.16
0.42 / 0.34
0.16 / 0.13
0.48 / 0.38
0.16 / 0.13
0.14 / 0.11
0.09 / 0.07
0.07 / 0.06
Std 3 Pole
Std 3 Pole
Std 3 Pole
Std 3 Pole
Std 3 Pole
Std 3 Pole
Std 5 Pole
Std 5 Pole
Std 5 Pole

The Best Just Got Better

The Best Just Got Better

  • Aircraft
  • Helicopter
  • Pistol Grip Surface
  • 2 Stick Surface


  • 2006 Price Catalog
  • Company and Service Information
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • New Stuff
  • Servos
  • Manuals


  • Flight Packs
  • Servos
  • Aircraft Speed Controllers
  • Surface Speed Controllers
  • Stylus Feature Cards
  • Transmitter Carrying Cases
  • Heat Sink Mid Cases
  • 1100 mAh TX Batteries
  • Anodized Stick Ends
  • Surface Packs
  • Apparel
  • Colored Wheels
  • Aircraft Trainer Box
  • Crystal Cases
  • Sky Rover