Servo Reversing, Servo Centering, Data Reset, 10 Model Memory, Aileron and Elevator Expo, PPM/INV PPM PCM1 PCM2 Modulation, Stop Watch, Integral Timer, Model Naming, Data Copy, Switch Reverse, Beep On/Off, Throttle Cut, Low Voltage Alarm, Stick Adjustment, Throttle High Warring, Stick Tension Adjustment, Trainer System, Digital Trims, Basic and Advanced Menu’s, Aileron and Elevator Dual Rates, End point Adjustments, Auto Trim Memory, 3 Position Flap Switch, Flaperons, Delta, Ail to Rud Mixing, V-Tail, Thr to Elev Mixing, 2 Compensation Mixers, Elev to Flap Mixing, Rud to Aileron Mixing, Rud to Elevator Mixing, Flap to Elev Mixing, Spoiler, Ail Differential, Landing Differential, Crow, Trim Step, Fail Safe ing PCM Mode, Battery Fail Safe in PCM mode, Dual Elevator Mixing.

Servo Reversing, Servo Centering, Data Reset, 10 Model Memory, Aileron and Elevator Expo, PPM/INV PPM PCM1 PCM2 Modulation, Stop Watch, Integral Timer, Model Naming, Data Copy, Switch Reverse, Beep On/Off, Throttle Cut, Low Voltage Alarm, Stick Adjustment, Throttle High Warring, Stick Tension Adjustment, Trainer System, Digital Trims, Basic and Advanced Menu’s, Aileron/Rud and Elevator Dual Rates, End point Adjustments, Auto Trim Memory, 4 Flight Modes, 2 Compensation Mixers, Trim Step, Fail Safe ing PCM Mode, Battery Fail Safe in PCM mode, 5 Point Pitch Curves, 5 Point Throttle Curves, 3 Point Revolution Curves, 2 Gyro Adjustment per Flight Modes, Dynamic Trim Memory, Standard Swash Plate types plus CCPM Mixing.